Woodsure Ready To Burn Scheme gets radio coverage, listen here………

As you all hopefully are aware, there were new rules related to burning wet firewood intoduced for England and Wales this year. This is a very concise and clear description of the how and the why by 2 leaders of the regulatory body, Helen Bentley-Fox Director of Woodsure and Bruve Allan, CEO of HETAS, have a listen and comment below:

Image showing the wood sure logo and Firewood Express Ready To Burn Approval Number WS365

Firewood Express are delighted to be part of this scheme and our logo and company number are displayed above.

This approval covers all our “Ready to Burn” tagged and named products.

It does not cover our semi-seasoned products, as these are the responsibilty of the customer to confirm when ready to burn and the customer needs to own and know how to use a moisture meter to satisfy these regulations: How to measure the moisture content of firewood

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