Monthly Archives: February 2018

  • New delivery of Silver Birch and early warning of Semi-Seasoned summer promotion

    Good evening, Picture is of a fresh load of local Silver Birch logs that arrived in the yard this week. These emails seem a bit like groundhog day! as we sit with night temperatures forecast to hit -5 even in central England this week. However “Don’t shiver when we can deliver“ (Sorry but I borrowed that …

  • The long cold winter continues!

    Image is of Alan catching up on some late winter ploughing with the recent Fendt upgrade tractor. This is a winter cover crop being ploughed ready for a malting spring barley crop to be drilled in March/April. The cold winter continues.  I am hearing from some sources that this is now the wettest, coldest winter …

  • How to measure the moisture content of firewood logs

    Why is this so important? Well, it defines the ease of burning, heat output and completeness of burn of your firewood. If you get this wrong you could cause tar in your flue. Note! It is also the law now. It is also a requirement if you buy our low cost semi-seasoned firewood for DIY …

  • Logs For Woodburners

    Which logs should I use in my wood burner? With the rapid expansion of wood burners in the UK (100,000 new stoves expected to be fitted in the next year),I get this question so often. Really, the answer is way more simple than some companies like to make out. You will hear from many that it …

  • New Product Launch – Mixed pallet of Hotties Heat Logs and Firewood nets

    Image of Glenshee this week courtesy of @Andrewwoodroffe Good evening, Hope this finds you well. The continuing cold weather has kept the firewood sales strong this last week, although I was able to drag myself away for a days skiing up Glenshee. It was a classic day of Scottish skiing, it started well, with alpine …

  • Wood Burning Stoves and their positive impact on the environment

    Evening, Well, we have made it through the long, 5 week blues of January, I hope your stoves and fires have kept your homes warm and bright. I read a very good article this week from the Stove Industry Alliance (click to read) Here are the take home messages: 1. Wood burning Stoves could contribute …

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