New delivery of Silver Birch and early warning of Semi-Seasoned summer promotion
Good evening,
Picture is of a fresh load of local Silver Birch logs that arrived in the yard this week.
These emails seem a bit like groundhog day! as we sit with night temperatures forecast to hit -5 even in central England this week.
However “Don’t shiver when we can deliver“
(Sorry but I borrowed that off a local oil delivery firm).
Everything is in stock . As always you can see all the current offers at this page:
Firewood Express Special Offers
Also note that you can still get a delivery on Friday, if you order by end of business on Monday
Just an early heads up, Mike and I have been planning our Summer promotions.
We will be doing Semi-Seasoned Scots Pine first, in April (as it takes 6 months to DIY season) and there will be a limited volume extra low priced early release every month, but you will have to register on a special priority list to gain access. This is to allow our previous customer base, the chance to grab the special deal before it goes public.
Details to follow…..
Have a great week
Keep warm